
Denise Hill CLE Seminar

Putting Together the Pieces of Peace: Wellness & Preparation for Resolvers

with Professor Denise Hill, JD, MPA

Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 1:30-4:30 PM
Creighton Law School, Omaha, Nebraska

*free for members of the American Academy of ADR Attorneys and Nebraska Mediation Association and students of The Werner Institute

SESSION I (1:30-3:00 PM Central US)

“First, Know [and take care of] Thyself: Wellness for the Resolver”

Wellness CLE Credit

Description: As neutrals involved in ADR, we often do not spend time reflecting on our own relationship with conflict and personal wellbeing. Afterall, ADR is about the parties and not us. Yet, focusing primarily on other people’s needs and problems can take a significant personal and professional toll on us. Even when well-intended, neglecting ourselves can have a negative impact on our effectiveness as resolvers. This session is designed to help resolvers better understand themselves and others, discover their personal conflict styles, and arm them with tools/resources to sustain wellness. Developing this knowledge and skillset will simultaneously enhance resolvers’ ability to help parties come to meaningful resolution.

SESSION II (3:00-4:30 PM Central US)

“Preparation is the Path to Wise Agreements”

Standard CLE Credit

Description: A primary objective of ADR is not just having agreement but arriving at a “wise agreement”–one that meets the needs of the parties and promotes peace. Resolvers who utilize the fundamentals of conflict resolution in tandem with in-depth preparation establish optimal environments for wise agreements. In this dynamic session, participants explore preparation strategies designed to: build trust and gain buy-in from the parties; define issue(s) to keep sessions on track; analyze legal concerns; diagnose underlying sources of conflict(s); aid parties’ in revealing their needs; identify parties’ BATNAs and the Zone of Settlement; develop a targeted communication strategy that interrupts bias; recognize and address points of resistance; and memorialize agreements designed to ensure follow through.